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Title I

Title I is a federally funded program providing additional educational services to students identified as at risk of failing or not meeting the state’s academic standards. The purpose of Title I is to ensure that all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education. Funding for Title 1 is based on the number of students who qualify for free and reduced lunch program.

One Public School receiving...
Eligible students in non-public schools within District 241's boundaries are also eligible for Title I services. This school year, students in two non-public schools are receiving targeted-assistance services from District 241.

The non-public school receiving Title I services is:

St.Theodore Catholic School

Parent Involvement

Parent involvement is a critical part of every child's education. Albert Lea Area Schools actively promotes the participation of parents of Title 1 children in a wide variety of opportunities.  Albert Lea Area Schools Title 1 Parent Involvement Plan developed by the Title I Committee consisting of parents, staff, and administrators describes how we promote participation.  If you would be interested in serving on this committee, please contact Mary Jo Dorman ( We are continually looking for new voices to help mold our Title I and Title II programming.

Title 1 District Parent Involvement Plan

Title 1 Student Compact

Parents’ Right to Know
According to the federal law, No Child Left Behind (NCLB), parents in all Title I schools have the right to request and receive timely information on the professional qualifications of their children’s classroom teachers. This applies to parents of all children in the school, not just those whose children are receiving Title I services.

District 241 has high standards for all of its instructional staff and only employs those who meet or exceed NCLB's Highly Qualified requirements. If you would like the professional qualifications of your child's teacher, will provide the following:

Whether or not the teacher has met Minnesota's licensing requirements for the grade levels and core academic subjects he or she teaches
Whether or not the teacher is teaching under a variance status
The education level and subject area of the teacher's college degree major, and any graduate degree or certificate held
(You can review these first two pieces of public information at

The education level and subject area of the teacher's college degree major, and any graduate degree or certificate held
 To request this information, please call 507-379-4811

Additional Information
In addition, the district or your child's school will always provide you with:

Information on your child's level of achievement on state academic assessments as it becomes available.

Stephanie Musser
211 W Richway Drive
Albert Lea, MN  56007