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Is My Child Well Enough For School?

Many children and parents are concerned about when children should stay home or attend school. Here is a quick checklist:

When to Keep Your Child Home
Attendance is important, but your child's health comes first. Your child must remain home if:

  • They are vomiting or have a fever (temperature of 100 degrees or higher).
  • They have experienced vomiting, diarrhea, or a fever within the past 24 hours.

Your child should only return to school once they have been symptom-free for at least 24 hours.

Illness During the School Day
If your child becomes ill during the school day:

  • They must report to the school office before leaving.
  • Health office staff will evaluate your child to determine next steps.
    • Depending on the situation, they may rest in the health office or you may be contacted to take them home.

It is essential for a parent, guardian, or other responsible individual to be available if your child needs to leave school due to illness.

Returning to School After Illness
Your child may return to school when:

  • They are feeling well.
  • They have been fever-free for at least 24 hours without the use of medication.
  • Vomiting or diarrhea has not occurred for 24 hours.

Communicable Diseases
Children with communicable diseases, such as strep throat, impetigo, or ringworm, will be excluded from school. Upon returning, they must:

  • Report to the school office.

If there is any uncertainty about when your child may return, please contact the licensed school nurse. Decisions will be made based on the risk of illness transmission to others.