Superintendent & Staff
Ron Wagner, Superintendent
Beginning year three as superintendent, I enter the year with increased excitement and pride. We will continue to partner with the community and commit to the continued excellence of our students’ experiences. I am proud and humbled to walk forward to serve ALL in Albert Lea Area Schools-District #241. Our “why” for what we do each and every day are the beautiful students that we serve. We will focus on our new strategic plan as our North Star that guides our daily focus.
We are committed to serve each student in Albert Lea Area Schools. Our students are at the heart of our mission, and our unwavering commitment to their education and well-being is what drives us to strive for excellence every day. Each staff member plays a vital role in shaping their futures and unlocking their potential. It is this shared purpose that makes our work so meaningful and rewarding.
Our values of respect, integrity, compassion, collaboration, excellence, and always learning will guide us in our journey. Respect for one another, integrity in our actions, compassion in our interactions, collaboration with our colleagues and community, a relentless pursuit of excellence, and a commitment to lifelong learning are the cornerstones of our work. We can create a supportive and dynamic learning environment that benefits everyone by upholding these values.
Thank you to all of the Albert Lea Community for your continued support and collaboration.
“To ensure individual academic, social and emotional growth that leads to engaged citizens and lifelong learners."
Phone: 507.379.4802
Cabinet Members
Ashley Mattson
Executive Director of Human Resources
Tonya Franks
Executive Director of Academics and Accountability
Paul Durbahn
Executive Director of Finance & Operations
Sheila Riebe
Executive Director of Student Services
Jeff Halverson
Executive Director of Careers, Technology, and Innovation
Darci Rasmussen
Executive Assistant to the Office of the Superintendent and School Board